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close up of woman's fit stomach

If stubborn areas of fat are preventing you from enjoying your best figure, the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery in Port St. Lucie, FL, offers advanced liposuction treatment to get rid of unsightly areas that won’t respond to diet and exercise. This cosmetic surgery eliminates fat from the thighs and legs, arms, waist, hips, abdomen, buttocks, chest, and other areas to create a more defined appearance. Dr. William Vinyard is a board-certified plastic surgeon who is dedicated to your success and involved with every step of the process.

Some patients may have unrealistic expectations for their cosmetic surgery and recovery, and when their goal is not immediately achieved, they feel that the liposuction results were not successful. Knowing what to expect and following home care instructions can help you achieve your most optimal outcome. Learn more by reading below or by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Vinyard.

What does liposuction treatment involve?

Liposuction is a contouring procedure that enhances your appearance and improves the shape and tone of your body. At your consultation, Dr. Vinyard will assess the areas of concern and create a custom surgical plan for you. During liposuction, a special tool called a cannula is used to remove fat from a localized area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs. While performing this minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure, Dr. Vinyard uses the cannula to loosen excess fat before suctioning it out with a vacuum or a cannula-attached syringe. Immediately after liposuction, our staff will move you to the recovery room and make sure you are fully prepared to heal at home.

Though not a substitute for losing weight, liposuction treatment can trim areas that are difficult to tone with traditional diet and exercise methods. At the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery, we have performed numerous liposuction surgeries in Port St. Lucie, FL.

Set realistic goals for recovery

While liposuction surgery is minimally invasive, recovery does take time. Based on the areas treated and the extent of the procedure, it may take a few weeks before you can return to daily activities. Feel free to speak with Dr. Vinyard about the best ways to set and achieve recovery goals that work for you.

  • Weeks 1 2: Some pain and discomfort are common for several days following your cosmetic procedure. Most individuals can manage the discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers. The Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery may recommend compression garments to cover the treated areas and reduce swelling. Since rest is important to your healing, household chores and other activities should be limited during this time.

  • Weeks 3 – 4: Once the swelling subsides, you will begin to see your new shape. Dr. Vinyard may schedule a follow-up appointment and give you instructions about taking off the compression garment. You may return to work, but do not participate in strenuous exercise unless you have been cleared by our office first.

  • Weeks 5 – 6: Your liposuction results will be more noticeable, and they will continue to improve over the next several weeks. Patients can return to their active lifestyle provided there were no complications during the healing process.

Liposuction incision care

Liposuction incisions are about the same length as your pinky fingernail, based on the areas being treated. Dr. Vinyard will take precautions to hide the incisions in natural creases or folds so they heal flat and eventually blend into the skin. Although the equipment we use creates only small incisions, the treatment site will take about two weeks to heal following liposuction surgery at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery.

Remember to follow all of our instructions for dressing wounds, including avoiding pools, bathtubs, and hot tubs until the incisions have healed. Please call our office right away if the wound becomes red or inflamed, swollen, or begins to bleed. Possible complications such as fever or worsening pain could lengthen your healing time, so please inform us as soon as possible if you notice any unusual symptoms.

Maintaining your liposuction results

After liposuction, the good news is that once the fat cells are eliminated, they do not come back. The remaining fat cells, however, may grow if you gain weight in the future. Remember that liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, because there is a limit to how much fat can be removed in a single procedure. To maintain your liposuction results, the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery recommends staying at or near your ideal weight so you can keep your new shape for years to come. Your primary physician or a dietician can recommend a diet and exercise plan based on your medical history and lifestyle.

Liposuction treatment at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery

Now you can get rid of unwanted fat with help from the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery. If you live in Port St. Lucie, FL, we encourage you to call our practice and set up your private consultation. Liposuction surgery is incredibly effective at contouring your body for a slimmer, more attractive appearance. Dr. William Vinyard has performed many liposuction procedures and looks forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Reach out to schedule your consultation today.

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