Rediscover a Fresh Gaze

A lower eyelid lift, or lower blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery designed to address issues with the lower eyelids, such as puffiness, bags, wrinkles, and excess skin, which can make you look tired, older, or unhappy. Through the expertise of the esteemed cosmetic plastic surgeon, Dr. William J. Vinyard, at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery (VIPS), you can unlock the transformative effects of a lower eyelid lift tailored precisely to your individual needs.

What is a Lower Eyelid Lift?

Aging, genetics, and sun exposure can lead to sagging skin, excessive fat deposits, a hollowed appearance, and compromised aesthetics due to drooping lower eyelids. Lower eyelid lift surgery aims to remove excess skin and fat from the lower eyelids, reduce puffiness and dark circles, and improve the overall appearance of the eyes. This transformative intervention, executed under the artistic prowess and surgical mastery of Dr. Vinyard, effectively revitalizes the eyes.

Eyelid Surgery Before & After

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Who is a Candidate?

Suitable candidates for a lower eyelid lift are individuals in good health seeking to address aging signs around their lower eyelids. Common complaints are drooping skin, puffiness, dark circles, and the appearance of fatigue or heaviness. If you are fed up with eye creams yielding minimal results and want to find out if you are a candidate for lower blepharoplasty, schedule a consultation with Dr. Vinyard today.

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Your Consultation

At your consultation with Dr. Vinyard, you embark on a personalized journey to achieve your rejuvenation goals. Through meaningful conversations and a thorough physical exam, Dr. Vinyard gains a deep understanding of your unique needs. His expertise allows for a customized approach that addresses concerns like sagging skin and excess fat. This collaborative process ensures that your lower eyelid lift at VIPS is carefully planned to match your vision and enhance your natural beauty.

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What is the Technique?

During a lower eyelid lift, Dr. Vinyard will make incisions either on the inside of the lower eyelid or just below the lash line to access the underlying fat, muscle, and tissue. Depending on your specific needs, he will remove or reposition the excess fat, tighten the muscles, and trim the loose skin to create a smoother, firmer, and more youthful contour.

What to Expect

The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia and typically takes one to two hours to complete. After the surgery, you may experience some swelling, bruising, discomfort, and dryness, which can be managed with pain medication, cold compresses, eye drops, and ointments. You will need to avoid strenuous activities, sun exposure, and wearing contact lenses for a few weeks, and follow the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Vinyard to ensure proper healing and optimal results. 

Why Choose VIPS?

With over 12 years of experience, Dr. William Vinyard creates an environment marked by expertise, excellence, and a welcoming, family-like culture. At VIPS, safety is a priority, and we employ cutting-edge technologies, procedures, and products to ensure our patients receive a high-end aesthetic experience. 

As the Makeover Master, Dr. Vinyard delivers masterful, natural-looking results. However, he also brings a compassionate approach as the country singing surgeon, using music to soothe patients before procedures. His harmonious process transforms cosmetic journeys into comforting, unforgettable experiences.

For a world-class "VIP Experience" marked by unparalleled results, we welcome you to join our Vinyard-VIPS family, where patient satisfaction is paramount. Our mission is to elevate cosmetic surgery, and we do everything in our power to exceed expectations and create outstanding results that keep our patients coming back.

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Invigorate Your Eyes

Eyes are the windows to our soul, expressing emotions beyond words. Enhancing them through procedures like lower blepharoplasty rejuvenates your appearance and spirit. Dr. Vinyard's approach preserves the soulful essence of your gaze while addressing aesthetic concerns. Join the Vinyard-VIPS family for world-class expertise, artistry, and exceptional results. Schedule a consultation at our Port Saint Lucie office, serving Palm Beach, Vero Beach, Fort Pierce, and beyond, to invigorate your eyes and radiate your inner vibrancy.

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The VIPS Difference

  • International Recognition: Artistry, Compassion and Skills
  • Revolutionary Approach: Customized Makeovers
  • Excellence Multiplied: A Team of Aesthetic Experts Mentored by The Makeover Master
  • Signature Medspa: Exceptional Treatments & Elite Products
  • Quad A Distinction: Luxury Private Surgery Center
  • Coveted VIPS Experience: Quality, Comfort & Real Connections
  • Expect the Exceptional: Consistently Redefining ‘Exceeding Expectations’
  • Beyond a Single Procedure: Crafting Lifelong Aesthetic Relationships
  • Exclusive Access: Why Our Unique Process Requires Patient Selection

See The VIPS Difference

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