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As the year 2020, with all its ups and downs, leaves the sight of our calendars and the year 2021 comes in, not without great hopes for a healthy, peaceful future, we cannot help but think about how the field of plastic surgery was reshaped during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After a difficult spring season, during which many practitioners had to close their medical facilities, the warm summer months came both with the reopening of plastic surgery facilities and new aesthetic approaches towards achieving one’s body goals. Since the online world has instituted a monopoly on our work lives, the hourglass figure made way for the “Zoom face.”

Here at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery, we are committed to understanding the plastic surgery field at a deeper level, striving to become the best plastic surgery team in Florida. For that reason, after analyzing last year’s plastic surgery trends, we’ve put together a series of hot-ticket procedures that will shine in the Sunshine State in 2021.

#1: Mommy Makeover

The last months of 2020 came as a real blessing for some women and their families – instead of presents under the Christmas tree, these women received the gift of becoming mothers, and that is fantastic. However, years after women take on the wonderful roles of life-givers and new mothers, they may still suffer the physical consequences.

How Do Pregnancy and Childbirth Affect the Body

Pregnancy and childbirth, although paramount to bringing life into this world, can leave several marks on a woman’s body. The abdominal skin and fascia begin to stretch, and breasts lose volume and buoyancy due to breastfeeding.

These changes can be problematic for a woman’s self-esteem and confidence.  The plastic surgery field came up with a comprehensive set of cosmetic surgical procedures focused on helping women restore a younger version of themselves, to make sure that new mothers are confident enough to take care of their babies once future pregnancies are out of the question – the mommy makeover.

Restore a younger version of yourself

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)The Mommy Makeover Set of Procedures

The procedures that make up a mommy makeover are adequately targeted at each aesthetic aspect affected by pregnancy:

  • Loss of volume and buoyancy in the breasts – breast lift/breast augmentation.
  • Excessively large breasts (macromastia) – breast reduction surgery.
  • Weakened / Separated abdominal muscles – tummy tuck/abdominoplasty.
  • Excessive fatty tissue – BodyTite™ / liposuction.
  • Enlarged labia /  Laxity / Volume loss – FEMtite.
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence / Dryness in the vaginal area – FORMA V / Votiva.

We can see how a mommy makeover covers a myriad of rejuvenation aspects by taking into consideration specific aesthetic needs.

Let 2021 be the year when your aesthetic goals are met. Are you unsure about which collection of procedures suits you best? During your complimentary consultation, Dr. William J. Vinyard, MD, FACS, will assess both your medical record and your aesthetic goals to create the perfect treatment plan for you.

#2: Body Contouring

Under the umbrella term “body contouring,” the plastic surgery field has gathered a specific set of procedures, both on a minimally invasive and surgical level, which patients who have a hard time with small pockets of excess fat, especially in the abdominal area, can choose. Aside from fatty pocket reduction, patients choose body-contouring procedures to tighten abdominal skin, creating a more toned appearance in the abdomen.

Minimally Invasive vs. Surgical Procedures

When thinking about the differences between body-contouring procedures, we must consider several factors, such as technique, result longevity, etc.

For example, choosing a minimally invasive procedure, such as CoolSculpting (eliminating pockets of fatty tissue through a fat-freezing technique) or Emsculpt (triggering a fat-reduction effect through muscle contractions), are quick to deliver contouring-focused results with minimal downtime. However, result longevity is not as dramatic as for surgical procedures, such as BODYtite (radio frequency liposuction) or tummy tuck, where long-lasting results depend on a longer recovery time. Both procedures can be performed on overweight patients to help shape their body contour, which is another goal of minimally invasive procedures.

To conclude, depending on the desired results, Dr. Vinyard will recommend the most suitable procedure for your aesthetic needs.

Reshape. Rejuvenate. Reclaim your confidence.

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#3: Facial Rejuvenation – Facelift/FACEtite

As people tend to become more self-conscious in front of the video camera, the requests for facial rejuvenation treatments are bound to reach higher levels. In most cases, would-be patients want to change their boxy facial appearance for a more tapered one.

The cause of the boxy facial appearance lies in the fat pads located underneath the skin, which are gradually displaced. Recent advancements have shown the paramount role played by these fat pads in the facial contour. Because of that, the way that facial rejuvenation is performed nowadays has been greatly improved. 

As would-be patients begin to consider facial rejuvenation treatments as a solution for their aesthetic goals, what we deem essential is understanding the differences between the two main treatments available on the market – the traditional facelift and the up-and-coming FACEtite procedure. Although both of them have facial rejuvenation as their main target, their approach towards this goal differs.


The traditional facelift, or rhytidectomy, albeit a cosmetic surgical procedure, has the best chances of delivering long-lasting results. Through an incision beginning at the temples and continuing around the ear towards the lower scalp, Dr. Vinyard repositions the fat pads located under the skin, delivering a younger, better-contoured face shape.

This procedure is better suited for would-be patients who want to improve the contour around the middle and lower area of the face and neck. However, it is essential to know that both the results and the “normal” feeling of the face in terms of sensibility and texture require 2-3 months before showing.


This radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis technique employs radiofrequency (RF) energy to remove unwanted fatty tissue and tighten the skin. Through small incisions, Dr. Vinyard introduces an electrode controlled by a computer under the skin, which liquefies fat pockets and stimulates collagen and elastin production for tighter tissue.

Dr. Vinyard will deliver a local anesthetic to the treated area before the FACEtite procedure. Once his work is over, you will be able to leave the office and resume your day-to-day activities with minimal downtime. However, because of this minimally invasive approach, the results will not be as dramatic as the ones delivered by a traditional facelift.

During your complimentary consultation, based upon your aesthetic goals and availability for a couple of weeks of downtime, Dr. Vinyard will analyze every aspect of your choice before recommending a final treatment.

Lift and tighten sagging skin

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As we look forward to a happier, less-secluded 2021, here at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery, our deepest hope is that our VIPS’ predictions for the upcoming year will help you choose the right procedure for your aesthetic goals and restore a younger, more confident image of yourself. Are you looking for more plastic surgery tips? Contact us and book your complimentary consultation with Dr. Vinyard today.

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As you consider your skin rejuvenation goals, Dr. Vinyard and his team of experts wield many options for improving the aesthetic of your skin. A Morpheus8 treatment can be an incredible addition to your treatment plan, and Dr. Vinyard and his team of experts are ready to support you in achieving your aesthetic goals. Contact us to schedule a personal consultation, or call  (772) 362-3357 to find out the next steps in your skin rejuvenation journey! Our office at 291 NW Peacock Blvd, Suite 103, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, proudly serves the South Florida area! We also invite you to check out our blog pageFacebook, and Instagram to learn more about the treatment options available at our office!

CoolSculpting vs. Kybella for Double Chin: Which Treatment is for You?

by | May 17, 2023

We’ll compare two of the most popular non-invasive treatments for double chin reduction: CoolSculpting and Kybella. As you embark on your journey to reclaim your jawline and accentuate your facial contours, knowing which treatment is right for you is essential. Let’s break down the science behind these cutting-edge procedures, weigh the pros and cons, and help you make the best choice to enhance your natural beauty!

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