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Many of us participate in a daily, sometimes multiple times a day, ritual. It may be subconscious, or it may be practiced habit that you make a mental note of. What is this tradition you ask? It’s the simple act of looking down and taking stock of the “pooch”. You know what I’m talking about: that stubborn little bulge right by the belly button that no amount of dieting and exercise will remove.

If you have had children, you may have experienced a separation of your abdominal muscles that contributes to this slack area of stomach, but no matter the cause, it likely is a sore subject that no amount of smoothing your shirt or high-rise jeans can fully hide. While this area of your body is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, it can be discouragingly stubborn it its refusal to dissipate despite your best efforts. If this is the camp you find yourself in, a tummy tuck may be just the ticket to bring back that flat stomach, just in time for summer!

1. Bid Farewell To Your "Muffin Top" For Good

One of the primary reasons clients choose a tummy tuck is because of the most commonly known benefit: it contours the stomach. Because the tummy is one of the most troublesome areas of the body that can refuse to fall into line with your slim vision for your health, abdominoplasties are the perfect choice. During your surgery, your doctor will tighten the stomach muscles and by doing so, erase excess sagging skin and belly folds.

2. Heal Those Hernias

More than just aesthetic solutions can be found in a tummy tuck! A ventral hernia is a type of hernia that is formed when your internal organs or abdominal tissues cause a pouch in your abdominal wall by way of a breakthrough. This kind of hernia is often seen after a significant drop in weight, a C-section, or an appendix removal. A tummy tuck can deal with this hernia by strengthening and repairing the gap in the abdominal muscles.

3. Get you To Your Goal Weight

It’s important to be cautious when viewing a tummy tuck as a weight loss surgery. It is a side benefit of a tummy tuck, but the fact of the matter is that a tummy tuck is to contour your stomach, not to remove large quantities of weight. You will be encouraged to come in for your tummy tuck when you are at an ideal weight for your body, and to maintain a healthy weight with minimal fluctuations post-surgery to keep your results looking fabulous. Because of this, a tummy tuck can be a great motivator to get to, and maintain a healthy body. For some cases, your doctor may suggest that you consider having liposuction done in conjunction with your tummy tuck, to assist in getting your body to your ideal shape and size.

Because of this, a tummy tuck can be a great motivator to get to, and maintain a healthy body.

4. Live Free of Back Pain

Especially after being pregnant and giving birth, many women find themselves inexplicably experiencing severe back pain. This is a result of diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, a condition that is very common for pregnant women to experience. Because a tummy tuck tightens the stomach muscles in addition to toning the stomach, it can bring about that much needed abdominal support, and thus eliminate the back pain.

5. Minimal Scars

When weighing your tummy tuck options, it’s critically important to do your research on the doctor that will be performing your surgery. The more skilled and careful your doctor is, the more likely it is that the inevitable scars will be as small and hidden as is humanly possible. Check that your doctor has qualifications from the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, and ask about their methods for keeping scars to a minimum. Most tummy tuck scars (depending on the type of tummy tuck and areas being targeted) are able to be hidden below the bikini line. Discuss with your doctor the possible outcomes, and make sure you are comfortable with the potential scars.

6. Your Mental Health and Tummy Tucks

One of the more subtle benefits of a tummy tuck is the mental clarity and confidence boost it will give you. It’s extremely discouraging to workout tirelessly only to look in the mirror and see zero results. It’s tough to be confident in a fitting room when your sole focus is finding clothes that hide the pooch. But a tummy tuck can restore your self-esteem and free up your mind to consider other things-and your mental health is worth it.

A tummy tuck can restore your self-esteem and free up your mind to consider other things-and your mental health is worth it.

7. If You Know What SUI Is, A Tummy Tuck May Be For You

When there is too much pressure on your bladder, a condition called stress urinary incontinence (SUI) occurs. SUI manifests itself through you wetting your pants while sneezing, coughing, or laughing, among other things. A tummy tuck can help restore the balance of your abdominal area, and in so doing, your bladder region as well.

8. Try Tummy Tucking instead of Book Balancing

Balance and posture are 100% tied to your core strength. If your core is weak and loose, your balance and posture will be too. A tummy tuck pulls your abdominal muscles together and gives your spine the support it needs, so don’t be surprised if you find your posture improving drastically post-op.

Join the Ranks of Pooch-Quenchers

When most people speak about a tummy tuck, they assume it simply contours the stomach to give you back your figure-nothing more. But there are so many more benefits, both aesthetic and medical from a tummy tuck. If you are struggling with back pain, incontinence, hernias, diastasis recti, or even a lack of confidence, a tummy tuck might be the answer for you! Speak to a doctor you trust and join the ranks of thousands who taken a stand and declared once for all “Perish the Pooch!”

coolsculpting vs. kybella for double chin which treatment is right for you

CoolSculpting vs. Kybella for Double Chin: Which Treatment is for You?

May 17, 2023 No Comments

We’ll compare two of the most popular non-invasive treatments for double chin reduction: CoolSculpting and Kybella. As you embark on your journey to reclaim your jawline and accentuate your facial contours, knowing which treatment is right for you is essential. Let’s break down the science behind these cutting-edge procedures, weigh the pros and cons, and help you make the best choice to enhance your natural beauty!

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